AMI, Association Montessori Internationale
Koninginneweg 161, 1075 CN Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Phone: + 31 20 6798932
Founded: 1929 by Maria Montessori, MD
President: Philip O'Brien
Executive Director: Lynne Lawrence
Legal Status: non-profit; charity
Services: Directs the work of AMI training courses all over the world offering pedagogical guidance and support; sponsors international congresses, study conferences, and publications; conducts research; runs ESF (Educateurs sans Frontiers); is a member of UNESCO
Membership: Contact AMI (see "members" on main page)
Maria Montessori Institute (MMI) formerly
Maria Montessori Training Organisation (MMTO)
Head Office: 26 Lyndhurst Gardens, London NW3 5NW, UK. Some courses are held there. The main training premises is Baker Street, London W1
FAX: 02074318096; Phone: 02074353646
Director of Training: Lynne Lawrence (AMI certified 3-6 teacher, AMI
certified 3-6 teacher trainer), several other directors are in charge of the summer or evening courses. All are AMI certified teachers and teacher trainers.
Founded: 1960, by Mario Montessori
Affiliation: AMI (Association
Montessori Internationale, The Netherlands)
Level of Training: 0-3, 3-6, 6-12
Course Format: Intensive 9-months full-time, course of on site training
with teacher trainers. All-inclusive pre-service training, including observation
and student teaching.
Starting Date: 0-3, Assistants to Infancy course: SUmmer 2016 (three summers 2016-2018); 2.5-6 Primary course (Academic year course begins in September each year; also give an a 3 summer format, the next one to be held 2015-2017);
6-12 Elementary course: the next course begins summer 2016 (three summers 2016-2018)
Admission Requirements: At least 2 "A" levels, college preparatory work.
18 minimum age, no maximum age.
Tuition: 9,230 Pounds Sterling for academic year 2.5-6 course, and for the three summer 2.5-6 course
Certification: AMI diploma. Many colleges give credit for this course.
Course Details: The following are the approximate figures for all certified
AMI courses. 9-10 months full time on campus, 30 hours a week under direct
supervision of professors, 12 hours a week estimated work at home per week,
10 weeks spent in Montessori classroom, teaching practice and observation, two
3-hour written exams, practical (oral) exams, reference folders (albums), supervised
practicals in classroom.
NOTE: INTERNATIONAL COURSES: Montessori organizations in one country often offer conferences, workshops, and teacher training courses in other countries. Be sure to check all of the continent links on this site for information.
AMI, The Association Montessori Internationale
Founded: 1929, by Dr. Maria Montessori
AMI teacher training centers in Europe: For a complete list of AMI approved teacher training centers, go to this link: AMI Training Centers
All Montessori organizations and teacher training
centers are welcome to become members of The International Montessori
Click here for an application for a Montessori Teacher Training center: TC application
Click here for a Montessori organization membership ORG application.
Click here for a Montessori training center AND Montessori organization that trains teachers, membership ORG TC application.
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